Covid Lockdown 2.0 Announcement 1st November 2020
From all of the team at Reep Automotive Group, we would like to wish all of our clients, supporters, partners and staff the best of health in these challenging times.
2020 continues to deliver unbelievable challenges to the local, national and indeed global population. We are confident that through sensible actions to safeguard one another, together we can do this!
As many of you will be aware, England’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced further lockdown measures for England on Saturday 31st October 2020 following the attempts to regionalise lockdowns.
At Reep Automotive, we take things extremely seriously with regard to our colleagues’ health and indeed our client and partners’ health. Throughout the past few months, we have successfully maintained a level of social distancing and personal and vehicular sanitisation and click and collect services too.
We have robust systems in place to safeguard you and our colleagues and will continue to monitor the effectiveness of these systems to maintain our services throughout this period.
We have contactless collection, optional covered trailer deliveries and of course, every car is fully sanitised prior to collection to safeguard everyone involved.
Clearly, we will be monitoring the situation closely and should things change we will of course contact you – otherwise we will continue to deliver our service to our clients albeit with increased levels of Covid safe procedures.
Stay Safe – Stay Healthy and together we will beat this.
The Reep Team